Just a quick one. While busy doing nothing other than waiting for patients who were struggling to fill the whole of the Party approved 10 minute appointments with any real illness, or even struggling to turn up at all (must be the heat?), one of the team espied this little piece of news.
Anyone who has worked in the health service of late will realize that this piece of "news" is rather too close to reality. We wonder if any politicians reforming the NHS could see the satirical humour or would they just see it as someone criticising their best efforts?
Praise be to the Party for giving us free broadband internet access to fill out our time while we meet their targets. It is so very useful to us for medical matters and money well spent.
Shadow Elite: Public-Private Players & The NHS
It looks as though these people are everywhere! The Shadow Elite.
Are you ready to read it?
It is scary!!!
"The new breed of players," writes We...
1 day ago
1 comment:
N.Doc please tell me this is a VERY VERY BAD joke. Only politicians who these days seem to excell in stupendous ignorance despite their mostly Oxbridge PPE education would think this a good idea.
Possibly a way of endorsing and legitamising alternative therapies by being sited alongside GPs, aka hocus pocus stuff so beloved of Prince of Wales et al he thinks should be available on the NHS at taxpayers expense. It probably IS a joke but COULD be true as we seem to be governed by a self serving political class who think their covert manouvres to privatise the NHS have gone unnoticed.
PS keep blogging please
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