Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Well boss how me do with de New Deal?

Well you have to admire the man without a clue for within days of announcing his New Deal a few holes have appeared.

Remember this “. . . a new pre-GP scheme has been lauched by Health Education England which, in its first year, had a success rate of 82%”. Have a look at this translation into English.

Hole number one?

Remember “So today NHS England is publishing data about clinical staffing levels for every practice in the country.”? Well we searched high and low for this under NHS England and couldn’t find anything for the 19 June so we thank our colleagues at Pulse for this and for NHS England telling us that we have 33.3% more FTE GPs than we actually have. It appears we are not alone.

Hole number 3?

And remember Jeremy’s pledge for an extra 5000 GPs which in a TV interview on the day of his New Deal speech he said were on top of all the GPs set to retire? Well looky here. 

Hole number 4? 

So we can imagine a conversation like this going on some where: 

Well boss how me do with de New Deal speech?
Shut up DiNozzo.

You ought to hear what our grunts in training have said about the speech for they too can see the holes and how warm Australia looks for they ain’t as dumb as some.

Praise be to the Party for ensuring that whatever colour the rosette the donkey will always get through. You have to respect the donkey for they will be around for longer and work harder than any politician in charge of Health and might even do something useful in their lifetimes for some.

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